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▪︎If you aspire to be a professional emcee, host, voice over talent like me, here are 3 very simple ways BEING EARLY (not just on time)will up your game as a successful respected person. . 1. Being EARLY positions yourself as someone your client's can RELY on. Since 1999, (and this is not me trying to be cocky, it's a fact), I honestly can't remember the times I'd been late, and if I was, they MUST have been unforeseen circumstances and I would've made it up and apologised profusely and NEVER allowed it to happen again! . 2. The Event organiser you are working on will not FREAK OUT on you because, again, to them you are RELIABLE. When they have eyes on you before the event they don't have to call and chase you (they already have a million other things to take care of by then - catering, backdrop, sound, VIP, the list goes on) . 3. YOURSELF: if you are not rushing, you don't have to worry about your reputation see points 1 and 2. You are not in a mess. Your mind is calm. Your heart is not racing. You can CHILL, have a tall glass of water, digest your script, take in the environment/ audience. So that when you DO take that stage, you are already and comfortable and CONFIDENT! . The Early bird gets the... HAPPY MALAYSIA DAY! . "Malaysian Timing" doesn't apply to being a reliable host. . #Emcee #Tips #SerenaC #radioannouncers #speakers #hacks #presenters #howtotalk #success #mindset #malaysiaday2020 #myjob #yourconfidence #optimize #positivity

▪︎If you aspire to be a professional emcee, host, ...